Thursday 4 November 2010

Appendix A: My £20 Ukulele

I am currently studying Popular Music with Music Technology at the University of Derby. This blog is for my Professional Practice module where I am teaching myself to play the ukulele!! The purpose of this blog it to evidence my journey.

A year after recieving a ukulele for Christmas, I have finally decided to pick it up and start taking it seriously. I know I have a long and difficult road ahead of me but hopefully my Grade 8 guitar skills will see me through.

I will begin by learning the basic major and minor chords and notes on the fret board. The main teaching aid I'm using for this is: has all possible chords displayed in a clear tablature form which is handy! With my previous musical background, I am looking to progress through the basics quite quickly.

Until then...

Time Spent: 
1 hour blogging
1 hour total

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