Friday 19 November 2010

Appendix C: The Basic Major Chords

After learning how to tune the ukulele, the next important step is to learn the basic chords. This entry will be looking into how each chord should sound and be played.

The chord is one of the main aspects used throughout all genres of music. A chord is a number of notes played simultaneously. In its simplest form, a chord is either major or minor. The basis of a major chord is the 1st note, 3rd note and 5th note of the scale. This is known as a triad e.g. C major is made up of the notes C, E and G which can be seen below:

The following videos show how the basic major chords should sound and be played. The resource which has helped me to learn these chords is:

                                                                            C Major    

D Major

E Major

F Major

G Major

A Major

B Major

Thats it for now...

Time Spent: 
3 hours recording and creating video
2 hour blogging
8 hours total

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